Apr 23, 2020 | Auto Insurance, Coronavirus, Insurance Savings
Current Michigan Customers Are Receiving Up To 25% In Refunds! The coronavirus outbreak has created significant life changes for Michigan residents. Many are facing financial hardship due to shutdowns. Additionally, fewer people are driving due to quarantine orders....
Apr 20, 2020 | Auto Insurance, Coronavirus, Home Insurance, Insurance Savings
Ease Your Financial Stress By Saving On Your Coverage The number of cars on the road has dwindled significantly since government-mandated stay-at-home orders were issued in Michigan in response to the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, people have been traveling 20% fewer...
Feb 10, 2020 | Auto Insurance, General Coverage, Home Insurance, Insurance Savings
It is tempting, in the whirlwind of life, to allow your insurance policies to renew without giving it a second thought. However, there are eight life-changing situations that demand everyone (including Michiganders) to evaluate their home and auto insurance policies....
Dec 23, 2019 | Home Tips, Insurance Savings
Costs can quickly add up when you own a home in Michigan. Expenses can seem unrelenting and constant. It is just part of homeownership. There is good news, however. You can make inexpensive repairs helpful for saving homeowners money and save thousands of dollars in...
Sep 16, 2019 | Home Insurance, Home Tips
When it comes to the perceived value of your home while it is on the market in Michigan, first impressions truly are everything. And nothing makes more of a first impression on potential buyers than the part of your home’s exterior and landscaping they can view from...