How often does your Insurance Agent attend a training? At Compass, Tuesday and Thursday mornings are specifically reserved for trainings. Our agents and customer advocates are required to attend these 30 minute classes to further their education, and better service you!
What we Learn
Working with over 17 different carriers means there is always something for us to learn. We try and focus on one carrier a week if we can. Often times, representatives from our carriers come in and teach our classes. These trainings can be on everything from new apps their company is releasing (like how Citizens recently released an app), how to properly file a claim if the process has changed, things to take into consideration when quoting clients, and more!
These trainings allow agents and customer advocates to ask all the questions they have gathered at once. Sometimes, our carriers will also bring in other members of their staff to meet our team. This helps to put a face to a name and meet any new hires we acquire. Sometimes our carriers will come in once a month on a regular schedule to check in with us and see how we’re doing; what is working really well and what needs improving? Other carriers might come in once a quarter or as needed. It all depends. The training schedule fills up fast as we are already booked till the end of the year! That is how excited we are about staying on top of our services.
Tell us how we’re doing!
How often do you think other agencies train their staff? We bet it’s not as often as ours! Come see why we stand out amongst the competition and put our knowledge to the test. Get in touch with a Compass Agent today and see what we can do for you!