Oct 2, 2017 | Auto Insurance, General Coverage, General Insurance
There is often a lot of confusion about what a prorated premium is, especially when it comes to your insurance. Your prorated insurance rate is determined based on when you make the change during your term and your billing cycle. What Causes Prorated Premiums?...
Sep 18, 2017 | Auto Insurance, General Coverage, General Insurance
You’ve heard of Air BNB, but have you ever heard of Turo (formerly known as RelayRides)? Just as you can rent our your home for money while you are away, now you can rent your car. The idea behind the San Francisco based business is to help individuals pay off...
Sep 11, 2017 | Auto Insurance, General Insurance
Accidents happen, like getting a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) for example. in 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) did a report and found every 51 minutes there was an alcohol-impaired traffic fatality...
Aug 2, 2017 | Auto Insurance, General Coverage, General Insurance, Liability Insurance
Michigan is 1 of 12 states that requires drivers to have no-fault insurance. No-Fault insurance is a topic often talked about and debated about in legislation. This type of insurance is when your insurance company pays for your medical expenses, wage loss benefits,...
Jul 3, 2017 | Auto Insurance, General Insurance, Home Insurance
Drew Wall, Customer Advocate We would like you to meet Drew Wall, our newest member of the Compass team! Drew comes to us from Farmers Insurance where he was most recently an Underwriting Service Analyst. Drew graduated from Grand Valley State University with a B.S....