May 11, 2021 | Auto Insurance, Insurance Savings
Student drivers in Grand Rapids, MI have it tough. Learning to drive isn’t easy, and they will soon find out it’s also not cheap. Once a teen gets their license, there are expenses like saving to buy a car, taxes, registration, gas, and auto insurance to pay...
Jan 26, 2021 | Auto Insurance
We made it Michigan! Bye-bye 2020, hello 2021. Now is the perfect time to review your auto insurance policy. You may never have considered this before, but you should make it a point to review your car insurance policy regularly. It may seem like a weird thing to do,...
Dec 16, 2020 | Auto Insurance, Insurance Law, Insurance Savings
Auto insurance rates have always been outrageous in Michigan. In Grand Rapids, someone can expect to pay more for auto insurance than someone in Beverly Hills or Manhattan. That’s recently changed, though. New legislation focused on Michigan auto insurance reform was...
Dec 16, 2020 | Auto Insurance, Driving Tips
Michigan winters are a wonderful time of the year with holiday gatherings and fun outdoor activities (well normally). But winter driving comes with its share of hazards. Bad weather, poor road conditions, low visibility, and other weather-related road conditions are...
Jul 13, 2020 | Auto Insurance, Insurance Law
As of July 2nd, Michiganders now have choices when it comes to your auto coverage due to the reformed personal injury protection (PIP) law. You can select one of the following: Unlimited PIP coverage $500,000 PIP limit $250,000 PIP limit $250,000 limit with PIP...