Winter isn’t the only time to be extremely cautious if you’re a young driver in Michigan, driving during summer can also be dangerous so we’ve outlined some tips for you to know. There are many things happening during the warm weather months we should also be cautious of.
We’re here to remind you what some of those things are, so you and others stay safe on the road.
1. People
Warm weather means more outside events and activities, leading to more people. Downtown becomes more congested as everyone wants to be outside. This means they’ll be crossing the street, zig-zagging between cars in parking lots, and playing in neighborhood streets. Be alert of the extra human activity as you’re driving.
2. Bikes and Motorcycles
People are bringing their bikes out on the road and by law, cars must share. Make sure to leave at least 5 feet between your car and a biker. Be aware of motorcycle drivers, especially in your blind spots. Also, make sure to learn right and left-hand signals for those who don’t have turn signals. It keeps both the rider and you, safe.
3. Glare
Sun glare is hard on your eyes and makes driving difficult. Make sure you keep a pair of sunglasses handy in your vehicle and pull down the sun visor immediately. This helps block the sun and opens your line of visibility again, making for a safe drive.
4. Roadway Obstacles
Michiganders joke about our four seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, Construction. Summer construction consists of blocked roads, cones, and workers. Construction signs are placed far enough in advance to warn drivers, so be ready to slow down and take your time. Another suggestion is to keep an eye on news reports of road projects. This allows you to plan another route to your destination and know that others may be taking the same route as you.
Summer thunderstorms are lovely to listen to, but sometimes they knock down power lines, tree limbs, and other debris. Take your time and call the appropriate numbers if need be*. Go slow, be aware of your surroundings, and most importantly, stay safe.
5. Heatstroke
The air in your car heats up faster than outside your car and is lethal. Make sure you don’t leave children or pets inside the vehicle where they’re left vulnerable to injury or death. It’s easy to believe rolling down the window may help, but it does not provide sufficient enough cooling. In fact, it is illegal in the state of Michigan to leave a child unattended in a car. You can read more about the law HERE.
6. Towing
If you’re hauling a summer toy such as a boat, jet ski, trailer, etc., it’s important to make sure you have everything hooked up properly. Make sure all the lights work. If you don’t have insurance on it, call a Compass agent so they can ensure it’s covered. Lastly, make sure you know the height of what you’re towing for bridges, tunnels, and drive-throughs. You wouldn’t want to accidentally hit one as you’re going through and make an insurance claim. Lastly, you’re towing something longer than just your car. It’s important to make sure you use your turn signal and leave enough space when changing lanes, so as not to hit another driver.
We’re Here To Help Michigan’s Young Drivers Be Safe This Summer
Part of making sure our clients are safe goes beyond providing the best insurance coverage. We at Compass Insurance Agency want our clients educated in all aspects of homeownership, vehicles, running a business, life, health, and more.
For more information on how to be a responsible driver or questions about your auto insurance policy, make sure you give one of our local Michigan agents a call today at 616-245-5555.
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If you found this interesting get more summer savings with: 4 summer questions only an insurance agency can answer!
*Downed Power line: 911 and Consumers Energy 800-477-5050
*Tree Limbs: Local Tree Removal Service