According to the Michigan Deer Crash Coalition, there were over 53,000 deer crashes in Michigan in 2011 with an estimated cost of $130 million. That’s an average insurance cost of $2100. In most cases the vehicles were left undrivable, however, there were still a considerable number of trips to the body shop.
An everyday scenario is the person that makes a quick trip from Scotts (49088) to Kalamazoo (49048) for some Asian take out. On the way home they have an abrupt encounter with a deer and a sudden need for a trip to the body shop. Luckily they were appropriately insured, but is the body shop?
Most insurance companies or agencies have a list of prefered body shops. Most people think that it is a ‘good old boy’ situation, but that is not the case. Insurance companies have a list because they know that the body shop they suggest has appropriate insurance coverage.
Compass Insurance Agency can help with finding appropriate policies, with appropriate coverage. As specialized businesses, a body shop has unique insurance needs. There are the facilities, expensive tools, employees, and equipment. There are also many hazards, like hydraulic lifts, grease and oil, sharp tools, and accidents. In addition, there is the caveat of working on and storing other people’s property.
Two crucial policies that owners of a body shop should carry are Garage Liability Insurance and Garage Keeper’s Insurance. Garage Liability Insurance is insurance that covers the premises against accidents, lawsuits and disputes, and possibly the vehicles owned by the business. Garage Keeper’s Insurance covers client’s vehicles and property. There are other coverages an owner should be concerned with, such as, property insurance, theft insurance, crime insurance, workers compensation coverage, etc. Compass Insurance Agents are here to answer any of your insurance questions and find the right coverage to suit your needs.
Great article. Luckily I’ve never hit a deer, but I know a few people who have.